Social Listening Basics


By performing keyword searches on Twitter, we sort through which accounts your page should be following and unfollowing. We take a look at what users are posting with these keywords and find out how they can influence your business.


We find it necessary to meet with you about what your pages guidelines will be. We discuss what is appropriate and inappropriate for posting, followers, who we follow, liking, and commenting. At WheelHouse, we want to customize your Twitter account, so that your company can get the most out of social networking.


When we focus on the audience, we must keep in mind the keywords and guidelines. The audience is also determined by each businesses customers and suppliers. We do not want our competition or any pages that do not meet the guidelines to be a part of your businesses social network.


Your group of partners is determined by your pages guidelines. Partners can range from local businesses that your company is affiliated with, vendors, and other business that either sponsor or promote your company.


We want to sit down with you and go over FAQ’s that your business receives, that way we can help answer questions on your Twitter account. We want to ensure 100% satisfaction, in order to build your company’s network.

Case Studies

We will run a case study every so often on your Twitter page, to measure successful, poor, and neutral feedback. If insights are showing that your business is either getting a negative response, or no response, then we must strategize a new plan.


With competitors, we don’t necessarily want to follow them. However, we want to determine who they are. We can use ideas from their posts and find examples of what to do, and what not to do on Twitter.


Individuals can be considered partners, but most of these will be personal accounts of people who work for your company and it’s partners. These people could also be influencers in the field that your company works in.